Thursday, February 26, 2009


I know, I know...I've changed the design of my blog like 3 or 4 times in a month. What gives?

  • Outward shows of inward stirrings
  • Restlessness to get stuff done
  • Change in the atmosphere and this little blog is a teensy, tiny, itty-bitty thing I can control
  • Love of design - really I should have been a graphic artist, so I could get paid to doodle and mess (maybe that will be another stage. Right now I am unpaid to change others doodle .... by that I mean my kids :) )
OK - side note: my mind did an automatic fill in with itty, bitty....titty committee. As my six year old son would say...that just "vexes" me!"

Life is full of a whole lot of change - I can't see it, but wow can I feel it! Kind of like an iceberg - only about 10% is above water, but that 90% can sink ships and change land mass. Did you know that when an iceberg melts, it makes a fizzing sound called "Bergie Seltzer"? The sound is made when compressed air bubbles get trapped in the iceberg pop.

Chunks of me are moving under the surface as I commit to change. No pithy words or grandiose explanations for these sensation other than it is becoming well with my soul.

So, if you hear me fizzing, it's just part of the change.


  1. So cool you have music on your blog! I won't ask how you did that cuz frankly, I don't have the time to even consider trying to figure it out! :-)

  2. tears I love you Inga
