Monday, February 16, 2009


1. One of my best friends in grade school, Jeff Schiewe, cut the side of my nose in half with a hoe when we were building a neighborhood garden.
2. I was a rodeo princess in my senior year of high school. The Queen and I traveled to podunk rodeo's across Oregon. We'd sing Judd's songs to promote our local rodeo. One time while on stage, at our county fair, my voice warbled. I blame it on the hot guy in the crowd.
3. I've owned 3 horses - 2 Arabians and 1 Tennessee Walker.
4. In Junior High, I had a Farah Fawcett hairdo. My feather was so big that the sides of my hair wouldn't fit into my school pictures. I had braces on top of that. Messed me up something fierce.
5. My real name is Marcelle. Too chic for my small town tomboy ways, but I kinda like it now.
6. I grew up near the ocean and miss it just about everyday.
7. I bicycled in England, Wales and a wee bit of Scotland when I was 20 for 3 months - alone.
8. I have worked for the Romania and Hungarian Government teaching English.
9. I could eat sushi rolls, miso soup and tempura just about everyday and be satisfied.
10. I have a thing about "spatula hands" in men. Gives me the heebie jeebies!! I cannot justly describe what the spatula looks like, but I can certainly show you. EEK.
11. Fidelity in family and friendship is important to me. I'm still sad over friendships ended.
12. I'd love to hike the Appalachian trail, the hill country of England and bicycle the Oregon Coast with my family.
13. I put glue on a fat girls chair in 3rd grade and I still feel bad about it. It was a cruel moment.
14. Once when Scott and I were trying to figure out if we were going to date I used the phrases..."I am highly date-able material" and"If you don't bust a move, I am going to bust on outta here". Sigh.
15. I'd love to live in community on a sustainable farm. Caveat: all families get their own homes.
16. I'd love to design and build a green home with my husband, Scott. He is a brilliant and creative person and most people don't really get to plumb the depths of who he is.
17. I love Jesus and really want to be known as His Friend in the end.
18. I almost drown in a Costa Rican rip-tide. While being churned in waves, I worried because my shirt kept pulling up and I didn't want the guy I had a crush on to see me dead & shirtless.
19. I worked at a place called the Bad Ass Cafe in Dublin. The name still makes me snicker.
20. Each of my children have 2 middle names. Once the ball started we had to keep it rollin' aaaaannnnd rollin'.
21. My ideal vacation would include the ocean, good food, friends, no cooking, no cleaning, a nanny and some sort of adventure.
22. Graduated Cum Laude and when they gave me the medal I told them I was pretty sure they had the wrong person (seriously).
23. 3 of my favorite jobs: Summers working at a kite shop on the Oregon coast, teaching Mosaic Art and teaching English in Romania ( I met Scott there).
24. I have a plan, on paper, that needs about 200 million dollars and has at times increased up to 2 billion. It includes well projects, a prayer room in South Africa, orphans in Uganda, churches in Vietnam, making a way for people to adopt who would like to if they had the money, supporting the Translation of the Bible into the TAT language, etc.
25. I regularly look at adoption websites and weep. Not only am I aware of what a special thing we've been given in Riley, but I'm aware what she has been saved from...make me undone.

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