Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Basket.

We have a basket in our house full of rocks and shells. Stuff we have collected from various trips. It is our little stockpile of memories.

Some have names written on them like; Masada. We grabbed up at the top after a long walk up.
Some have nothing written on them, but have been given a name; such as a rock the size of my fist that looks a bit like a women's bodice. She is dubbed "Mother Love" because of her shape. We found that rock in the middle of a Wyoming field with our friends Nyla and Lynnea. The details are fuzzy, but I do remember walking single file through a dirt field because we were trying to get to an eagles nest and Scott got us to believe some sort of nonsense that if we walked in a single file line the eagles might not realize four people were encroaching on them? I still laugh about it.

There are
shells and agates from the Oregon Coast, polished stones from a family member, a rock from our honeymoon in Hawaii, a smooth river stone which turns a turquoise color in water from some trip through Idaho.

The basket holds reminders of some of our best times together. The ones when we were able to slow down, listen and love easier. Times when we were quickly reminded of why we choose each other, why we choose a family, why we said yes to God.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Garage Sale

Garage Sales have been good to me over the years.....I love browsing and buying, but holding my own is akin to having bamboo shoots shoved into my nail beds. They just take a stinking lot of work. Sorting, pricing, setting up, breaking down, selling, bartering. UGH!

A friend of mine mentioned she was having a garage sale and I knew this was my golden moment. I politely asked if I could crash the party and join. Her place is a better locale, she is uber fun to hang with and there will be tasty snacks which always makes the day smoother.

Just think...I can make money on my junk so I can go and buy someone Else's junk!

Monday, June 15, 2009

If you need a good laugh...

Need to laugh? I double dog dare you to check out this site and see if you can get through a few pages without chuckling a bit.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

A little glimmer of Heaven

One of the many kisses of heaven will be relationship -

We have all run across people that are nothing short of great. There is that mutual spark indicating; hey...I might really like this person ...they are so ____________(fill in the blank)

all out brilliant

The reality of life is that there is little time to really foster multiple relationships at deep levels. After the hours subtracted for sleeping, eating, cleaning, working, family and present friends I find there is not a lot left over.

There will be no shortage of time in Heaven.

We will get to KNOW each other IN perfection for...eternity. We will get to experience our parents, siblings, friends or co-workers as they were created in the beginning. The levels will be astonishing because the depth will be longer and wider and there will be no fear in the midst of perfect love. Think of relationship without fear of rejection, fear of failure or mistrust.

It really is unfathomable to grasp with my fallen mind, but I feel the glimmer of hope that some day I will not only be fully known and loved, but be able to fully know and love.

This is good!