Thursday, February 19, 2009

My G, G - Little Bean

This is Gabriel.
Nickname - Little Bean, which came about as he was quite long when he finally popped out.

His silly side is definitely coming out while greeting` his newborn brother Phineas.

Thinker, Explorer, Artistic, Dramatic, Sensitive - all describe Gabriel. I can barely keep up with his brain sometimes - it moves fast.

He is reading the Lord of the Rings Trilogy with dad right now ( yes I do mean that HE can read it and get the themes and humor). Right now his favorite song is some mumbly jumbly about Bilbo Baggins and plates, etc. (If you have watched the older cartoon version of The Hobbit you'd recognize it).

I had to put this picture in. It is one of my favs. He was three and adorable as the day is long.

By the By - I've added quite a few posts this week - about 3 on one day that I had in the blog cache. Take some time, grab a cuppa joe' or a spot of tea - whatever your fuel might be - get a scone and sit down and catch up.

Hugs -


  1. I have thoroughly enjoyed learning about your family, and yes, I'm sittin here with a cup o jo and a fruit smoothie and reading! Hope you enjoy mine as well! :-)

  2. ooo, I love that song! It DOES stick in your head. :)
