Monday, March 23, 2009

I'm on a "Things I Like" kick....if ya like that swing then read on....if it doesn't float your boat than sail on in peace.

Today is about storage...maybe because when I sat down at my desk I had to push aside all the papers and misc. pieces of junk that have found residency there. I am actually a very organized person. I'm the gal my friends call when they need to put some order into life, but for whatever reason my office is always the lurking rebel in the organization family at the Adam's household. As much as I discipline my desk, it just goes and gets messy again. Bad Desk!!!!

So - as ode to organization....I give you the hidden stairwell storage by architects at Plasma Studio made for a home in San Candido, Italy. I like it!!

1 comment:

  1. oooooo, very cool. and I just about laughed out loud about your bad desk...very funny. :)
