Thursday, January 29, 2009

The SWAP party

Last night I gathered with a group of chic and very hip gals to partake in a SWAP fun! My sweet friends, Kelly and Becky, decided to host this little shindig and it was sparkling in every way!!! Food, friends, free stuff - ingredients to make a very fine evening. (all displayed in high fashion if I might add)

You can swap anything you want, but this round was all about accessories. They invited gals with similar fashion sense and we all dug out jewelry, belts, glasses, purses, scarves, etc. in lovely, but slightly used condition, which we no longer wanted. There were rules (of course there were rules!!), but basically you could walk away with new bling you didn't have to pay for and that.....that is very satisfying!

I scored!!! Lime green, Tommy Hilfiger purse, dangly beaded bronze earrings, very cool silver bracelet, and some other shiny what-nots.

Here's the deal - I thought I wore some decent jewelry before I moved to these here parts, but since running with the likes of Kelly and Becky, I have been inspired to step out of my accessorizing comfort zone - mainly with LARGER baubles. They both seem able to wear anything and pull it off with panache'. Reality is they could wear a red vine around their necks and others would applaud it as a fashionable signature mark.

OK - so I mentioned the loot, but the food - oh man the food was so, so tasty. There is something deeply satisfying about eating food you have not had to prep or clean-up for. But... when the food is gourmet it just takes it up a notch (BAM!...sorry had to say it)

Artichoke Bisque (I didn't even know artichoke could be bisqued), venison sausage with a cream cheese spread layered between wafer thin, light as air, crackers, slices of ciabatta bread stacked with brie cheese, pear and dark chocolate wine sauce drizzled on top. OH - and apple cider ala mode drinks. WOW!

It is was intimate, it was fun and we are going to repeat the process in a few months, only this time with household decor. Eventually we will move on to linens, kitchen wear, shoes, cars...(OK just joking with the cars - although I have a really sweet RV I'd trade :) )

If you are interested in hosting your own SWAP party all you need to do is Google the term for ideas. The great thing is that a SWAP is not gender limited. Think of the swap arenas left to be unfurled...power tools, books, office supplies, crafts, hats, sports equipment.

On a deeper scale, think about how SWAP parties could revolutionize the ministry. Churches could swap people like they trade players in sports. Pastors could swap sermons. Ministries could just trade whole conferences; including the personnel to run the things.

The ideas are limitless really - just think about it.


  1. Reduce reuse recycle, love His Creation!! Luv it!!!

  2. You are just hilarious! I am SO sad that I missed it. I didn't see the invite til last night and Eric had Samuel Co....bummer!

    Love the blog lay out~

    Coffee soon?
