Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Something Old

Our sweet Phin. Makes one want to have another baby......egads - WHO just said that.

Riley - back when she was small enough to play in the sink. She still thinks she is. Many days I find her standing in the bathroom sink washing her feet. She loves soap.

One of my favorites of Gabriel and Daddy.

This is an old photo - pre-Phineas days. That was a great day at the park - although Riley does not look like she is having fun!


  1. PRECIOUS pictures! What a great family you have!

  2. Hey! I took that fam picture :) You guys are just the beautiful people, you know. Love you and miss you. By the way, your restaurant list makes me hungry!

  3. somewhere here you mentioned you had just ONE person reading your other blog> or something like that....? anyhow, here in this blog, count me in. im your new stalker. you'll find me so annoying, you'd wish you never told me about it.
    i was reading your profile and seriously laughed because i've seen you danced and it brought me back to the video i took in the philippines. i have it somewhere> i should share it ON THE INTERNET:) bwahahahaha!!! dont fret, we were all on it and Joe hates his the most:)

    looking at the stuff you love and the same stuff i dig like design sponge.

    thanks again for flying over to us- that was great seeing you:)
