Sunday, June 14, 2009

A little glimmer of Heaven

One of the many kisses of heaven will be relationship -

We have all run across people that are nothing short of great. There is that mutual spark indicating; hey...I might really like this person ...they are so ____________(fill in the blank)

all out brilliant

The reality of life is that there is little time to really foster multiple relationships at deep levels. After the hours subtracted for sleeping, eating, cleaning, working, family and present friends I find there is not a lot left over.

There will be no shortage of time in Heaven.

We will get to KNOW each other IN perfection for...eternity. We will get to experience our parents, siblings, friends or co-workers as they were created in the beginning. The levels will be astonishing because the depth will be longer and wider and there will be no fear in the midst of perfect love. Think of relationship without fear of rejection, fear of failure or mistrust.

It really is unfathomable to grasp with my fallen mind, but I feel the glimmer of hope that some day I will not only be fully known and loved, but be able to fully know and love.

This is good!


  1. Amen and amen. And all those relationships that we wanted to build and nurture here will be built perfectly and nurtured there! Be blessed friend as you seek to find the balance here in preparation for there.

  2. You're totally one of those people! Here's to the Millenial Kingdom... ;)

    And I love David Gray! Niiiice.
